Wednesday, June 15, 2011

High Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Mean

Blood Pressure (B.P ) is merely the pressure that the blood exerts on the blood vessels while circulating. An optimum amount of B.P is essential for ;

a. The return of the blood to the heart, after making its way through more than 60,000 miles long blood vessels of our body.

b. The exchange of nutrients and waste products between the various cells of the body.and the blood capillaries.

c. The filter and therefore purification of the blood in kidneys and lungs.

At every contraction, the heart pumps about 70 ml of blood into the arteries. This quantity is termed as 'stroke volume' . Thus it pushes about 5 liters of blood every minutes. This quantity is termed as cardiac output or CMO.

Cardiac output = stoke volume * heart rate

Systolic and Diastolic B.P

When the rhythmically beating heart contracts, it forcefully drives the blood into the arteries. The pressure at such a time is high and is termed ' Systolic Blood Pressure '. At this time the elastic walls of the large arteries expand.

When the heart relaxes to be filled with blood from various parts of the body the pressure is minimum in the arteries and is termed ' Diastolic B.P'. At this time, the elastic walls of the large arteries recoil. This recoil continues to push the blood forward against the resistance offered by the arterioles.

Temporary Conditions Which Lead to Increase in B.P

Blood pressure becomes higher if you are

  • Mentally stressed, anxious, impatient
  • Constipated
  • In cold weather
B.P becomes temporarily higher after

  • Eating
  • Drinking coffee,tea, alcohol
  • Bathing or showering
  • Exercises
  • Smoking
  • Urination
Causes of Hypertension

1. Heredity

2.Mental tension

3.Excess intake of salt


5.Sedentary life



8.Diet having saturated fats (see Table 1.4 of the book)

9.Use of fried and too much oily foods.

10.Excess intake of sugar


12.Tea, coffee, cold drinks (having caffeine)

Many of the above factors lead to narrowing and hardening of the arteries ( atherosclerosis ) because of deposition of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. As old age approaches, the artery walls harden and lose much of their elasticity. This is the reason why elderly people have a higher blood pressure than young people have a higher blood pressure than young people. When arteries become narrow and hard (i.e. loss of elasticity to expand and contract ), the blood has to be pushed through greater force by heart leading to High B.P.

High blood pressure, Blood pressure, Symptoms of blood pressure, Causes of blood pressure, Reasons of blood pressure.

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