Monday, May 30, 2011


Acupresssure is an ancient healing art developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago,using the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body's natural self-curative abilities.When these points are pressed,they release muscular tension and promote the circulation of blood and the body's
life force energy to aid healing.Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points and meridians,but acupuncture employs needles,while acupressure uses gentle but firm pressure and integrates bodywork therapies, therapeutic touch,somatic work,healing imagery,energy psychology,and message therapy techniques.There is no known anatomical or histological basis for the existence of acupuncture points or meridians.

Acu points used in treatment may or may not be in the same area of the body as the targeted symptom. The TCM theory for the selection of such points and their effectiveness is that they work by stimulating the meridian system to bring about relief by rebalancing yin,yang and qi (also spelled ''chi '') This theory is based on the paradigm of TCM, not that of science.

Advantages of Using Acupressure

Acupressure might work via release of endorphins opioid analgesics such as enkephalin, endorphin and dynorphins leading to alleviation of pain.Acupressure is considered to be a safe from of therapy and side effects are rare. It includes relieving pain, balancing the body, and maintaining good health.Acupressure 's healing touch reduces tension, increases circulation, and enables the body to relax deeply.By relieving stress, acupressure therapy strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness.

The ancient art of Acupressure point therapy releases tension, increases the circulation of blood,and heightens the body 's vital life energy to aid healing. Acupuncture point and Acupressure points are identical : however Acupuncture employs needles, while Acupressure points use gentle but firm finger pressure.Acupressure points relieve pain, trauma, burnout, and maintains good health through self-care.By relaxing the body and relieving stress, acupressure strengthens resistance to disease and promotes wellness.

Tension tends to concentrate around acupressure points ( also referred to as acupoints or acu-points ). When a muscle is chronically tense or in spasm, the muscle fibers contract due to the secretion of lactic acid caused by fatigue,trauma, stress,chemical imbalances, or poor circulation.As an Acupressure point is held, the muscle tension yields to the finger pressure,enabling the fibers to elongate and relax, blood to flow freely, and toxins to be released and eliminated.Increased circulation also brings more oxygen and other nutrients to affected areas.This increases the body' s resistance to illness and bioelectrical energy circulate properly, there is a greater sense of harmony, health, and well-being.

Use prolonged finger pressure directly on an Acupressure point; gradual,steady,penetrating for approximately three minutes is ideal.Each acu-point will feel somewhat different when you press it; some points feel tense, while others are often sore or ache when pressed.

Acupressure,Reflexology,Foot reflexology, Palm reflexology,Acu points.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Benefits of Fasting

  1. Mental clarity is improved and brain fog is lifted.
  2. Rapid,safe weight loss is achieved without flabbiness.
  3. The nervous system is balanced.
  4. Energy level and sensory perception is increased.The longer the fast,the bigger increase in energy and vitality.You normally need less sleep.
  5. Organs are revitalized.
  6. Cellular biochemistry is harmonized.
  7. The skin becomes silky,soft,and sensitive.
  8. There is greater ease of movement
  9. Breathing becomes fuller,freer and deeper.
  10. The digestive system is rejuvenated and becomes more effective:the peristaltic action of the intestines (the cause of a natural bowel movement) is stronger after fasting.
  11. Fasting retrains your tasting sense back to more healthy food as acute sensitivity is restored.
  12. Fasting can increase confidence in our ability to have control over our lives and our appetite,and that our body is self-healing organism capable or establishing balance when given the possibility to do so.
  13. Normal metabolic and cell oxygenation are restored.
  14. Detoxification - as soon as the body realizes that it's fasting it will begin to eliminate those things that cause disease,such as fat cells,arterial cholesterol plaques,mucus,tumors,stored up worries and emotions.
Fasting, Benefits of fasting, Diet, Healthy living

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Liver Damage

1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. Too much eating.
4. Skipping breafast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives,food coloring, and artifical sweetener.
7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil.As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying,which includes even the best cooking oil like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired,except if the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) food also add to the burden of liver.

Liver damage, damages of liver, disorders of liver,diseases of liver

Thursday, May 19, 2011


The skin itself us now known to be the highly resistant envelope of the body.Within which these electrical energy transverse the path of least resistance. According to chinese interpretation or concept vital energy per meter each and every living cell and tissue.This includes skin and subcutaneous tissue.Circulation of this surface energy follows a determined path.These various path ways from pattern of lines called Acupuncture meridians or peripheral circulation.The chinese found out that stimulating certain Acupuncture points on the body cured particular organ disorders.They joined such points in a row and called its lung meridians. Vital energy can be manipulated only where at can be reached, i .e.,Acupuncture points on the skin.these Acupuncture points are superficial circulation. Path of circulation of energy among the organ, i.e., from one organ to another is called deep circulation. Deep circulation cannot be acted upon directly.Deep circulation and superficial circulation are linked with numerous internal pathways which and called connecting path ways,or mediate pathways.
Thus there are there type of circulations.
(i) Superfical circulation (Meridians ) or Direct Meridians.
(ii) Deep circulation also known as core circulation (organs connected to each other by fure element theory ) There are called organ meridians.
(iii) Connecting pathways. There connect deep circulation with superficial circulation and is called intermediate circulation.Thus, the entire meridians system in inter connected and hence called meridians complex, through which energy flows continuously in close circulation .
Meridians are in two directions
(i) Centrifugal - Heart to periphery
(ii) centripetal - periphery to Heart
Element Anatomy of Acupuncture consists of the knowledge of meridians,their pathways and the direction and also the perfect location of Acupuncture points. The pathways of all meridians are bilateral and symmetrical,except for two meridians there meridians are Ren and Du which run in the mid line of the front and back of the body. Meridians are called '' jing '' in france and '' channel'' in America. Meridians running vertically from below upwards or above downwards are the main meridians and traditionally termed as jing. There are twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians that link two main meridians together are called two. This in a jing luo system. (Meridians and collaterals ). Meridian in in direct connection with the organ concerned. Each Meridians particularly associated with the special inner organ, function, process or system, take the name of that organ.Meridians which are not bilateral are in the mid line. The names of the meridians have been translated into english in various ways to relate them the chinese concept of the meridians ,function and the organs or the body system to which they have special relationship.Some of there names are misleading or meanings. The organs after which the meridians are named are not involved in the etiology or pathology of the conditions treated by using Acupuncture points on the meridians thus the effective of the points on the gall bladder meridians in bot affected by the removal of the patients gall bladder points on the gall bladder meridians are useful for treating a variety of medical problems which seen unrelated to it.Some body structures such as joint, and muscles, brain, sex organ, most commonly treated by Acupuncture have no special meridian.Muscles and tendons are controlled by the gall bladder meridians while bones are controlled by kidney meridian.Brain in controlled by the heart and pericardium meridians and sex organs by kidney,Ren,Liver and Spleen meridians chinese concept of the meridians,functions and the organ of the body system. Have special relationship with each other meridians do not follow any of the anatomical paths known to the western word as nerves, veins or arteries.But angeina pectoris pain follows the path of the rear meridian up to the little thing.Ever though there in no anatomical link between heart and the little thing this pain path coincidess exactly with the path of the heart meridians of traditional chinese meridians.The reality of the heart meridians cannot be demonstrated by dissection but can be shown in the living persons. The report which exists between meridians and the corresponding organ are very difficult to explain.

Meridian, Acupuncture meridian, Channels, Energy flow,

Acupuncture points & Meridians

Acupuncture points are the points on the body which when pricked with the needle or stimulated with the probe or similar device, can cure certain disease or disorders in the body.Vital energy can be influenced by in the energy can be restored. These points are electrically low resistant points. Delta fibers ands sympathetic energy up to the skin level and concentrate in that region us low resistance. The resistance of Acupuncture point is 100 to 200 kilo ohms. Normal skin resistance to the electricity is one mega ohm at oil gets pressure.This proves that there in a special structure under the skin at Acupuncture point.The entire system of Ryodoroku treatment that is practiced in most of the modern hospitals in japan ;in a further extension of the same principles. Acupuncture points and have higher milli volt potential than adjacent skin areas.There is a steady and larger current response in an in sorrounding tissue.Tissue sorrounding the acupuncture point has higher density. Tissue under the Acupuncture point in less dense than that of sorrounding tissue. It is usually in the depression. In krillian photography evidence of existence of Acupuncture point on radiation field in obtained.The chinese have different names for each Acupuncture point. These names do give any clue to the meridian or the part of the body when it in located neither do they indicate the potential therapeutic purpose for which the point might be used. There names seen some what like the names of towns and have no medical significance. Hence instead of learning the names, the numbers on the meridians are cases to follow and remember.
acu points, meridians, channels ,acu points & meridians

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Concept of Qi

Energy which is applicable to the human body is called vital energy. In other words Qi which can be manipulated with the Acupuncture needle in called 'jing Qi ' or vita energy which circulates in the meridians. Life process is activated and maintained by the energy or Qi or the vital force. Law of nature in formed by the behaviour of the vital force eg rhythm periodicity polarization and depolarization.The human body carries certain amount of Q I at birth. this quota of energy given to ones body is definite (say x+y). The energy of the internal circuit cannot be created or eliminated, only transformed from one place to another.It is depleted by the daily activities of the body and argumented by the intake of the food and air depletion or reinforcement when in balance maintain growth and health but unbalance results ill health and absence of the energy in death purpose of Acupuncture is therefore to balance the imbalanced energy by giving needles at in Acupuncture point. It is well known fact that the fetus has an independent energy or Qi. This Qi which nourishes the unborn in called the Qi of formers heaven or prenatal Qi or Qi of unborn.Qi which fills the born in called Qi of later heaven or post natal Qi orQi of born. When the baby in born she can live without anything by mouth for at least 6 to 8 hours.That means she in living only on the Qi from lung O2.This process that for Qi of later heaven,the lung in a very important organ.The inability of the body to extract Qi from air,food and water in just as much a cause of death as its deprivation of them true Qi in a combination of what is received from the heavens and the Qi of water and food.That means true Qi informed by breathing and eating. It permeates the whole body.True Qi in the original Qi. Qi from heaven in received through the nose and controlled by the wind pipe, and is extracted by the lungs.Qi from food and water enters the stomach and in controlled by the gullet and in extracted by the spleen and stomach source Qi, known as Qi of kidney is inherited from the parents and related to the reproductive function.It is referred to as congenital Qi or Qi of former heaven rch or prenatal Qi true Qi obtained from the food and air in also called acquired Qi It in the same as Qi of later heaven or post natal Qi.Qi in universal. The root of the way of lift,birth and change in Qi. All things in heaven and earth obey this law.Qi in the periphery envelops heaven and earth.Qi in the interior activates them. Mans possession of lift in completely dependent upon this Qi.In chinese treaties on Acupuncture, the effect of pricking the skin with the needle in called " obtaining Qi " and if the needle fails to obtain Qi,the acupuncture treatment will be ineffective.Thus one in able to small only if lung Qi penetrated the nose.One can distinguish the colours of liver Qi penetrates the eyes.One can taste only if heart Qi penetrates the tongue.One likes or dislikes food only at spleen Qi penetrates the mouth the capabilities of seven holes( Eyes, Mouth, Nose) depand upon the penetration of the Qi from solid organs.Qi is not stationary in the body.It circulates in the body like blood.This circulation is two types.
(I) That of nourishing Qi through meridians like blood vessels .
(II) That of protecting Qi- between the siw and the flesh in the subcutaneous tissue.Nourishing Qi impure Qi ; Protecting Qi in less pure.Pure part of the and products of the assimilated food in nourishing Qi and less pure part in protecting Qi.Nourishing Qi in with in the meridians. protecting Qi outside the meridians.As protecting Qi in formed from the causes part of the products of digestion (i,e., because its crude origin)its in rough and has more aggressive properties.If therefore,cannot penetrate the delicate meridians and hence circulates in the subcutaneous tissue. protecting Qi warms the subcutaneous tissue, moistens the skin,controls the opening and closing of the pores and nourishes the space between the skin and the flesh.If protecting Qi is too weak to permeate the subcutaneous tissue,and to protect it from outside evil,nourishing Qi comes to its rescue,causing blood vessels and meridians and muscles to suffer because of a lack of Qi, and hence the patient suffers from heumatism preumonia etc.Important function of the protecting Qi in to protect the body from outside invading evil. If for example wind and cold invade the body.Protecting Qi meets the invasion by producing the derise for warmth and manifestation of fever, on the other hand, the unvasion in successful, that means either the evil in too strong or protecting Qi in weak,in which care the patient will fall a victim to the disease.Like pneumonia or rheumatism. Nourishing Qi is considered as '' yin Qi it circulates with the blood in the interior of the body ''. Qi in considered as '' yang Qi '' it circulates under surface of the body and is not associated with the blood.Nourishing Qi which is present in the organs in delicate in texture.It nourishes the tissue.Chinese monks perform certain type of breathing exercise to transfer rough and impure energy of the body unto pure agents.They call it ''Golden Elixir '' also named prenatal breathing. They transfrom grey hair unto black with this type of breathing.
Qi, Vital energy, Prana, Concept of Qi

Qi or Vital Energy Chi

The chinese believe that energy flows through the human body continuously.This is a vital motivating force, which burns like a fuel all through ones like. It is called Qi or Chi vital energy. Indian philosophers who share this idea know it is prana Indian yogis call it as prana wayu. In theosophy or Antheropology, it is called ether or etheric body. As long prana or prana wayu exists in the body the heart beats.The brain works the lung breath and whole organism stay as a living miracle and one has seen prana but the concept is age-old and unchallenged. This principle of prana is quite similar to the traditional chinese concept of Qi is universal and present at all times.If the flow of Qi cases, it is death. If formed continuously and utilized continuously in ones body. If permeates all living cells and tissues in the body and pervades the entire universe. If in an invisible force responsible for all the activities of life. It cannot be seen or measured but can be palpated. As the energy is used continuously in the body,it is also formed continuously by two factors.Intrinsic - From digested and assimilated food products inside the body.Extrinsic - O2 and water taken from the outside.Vital energy. Acupuncture vital energy, Qi or chi , Prana, Prana wayu,

Saturday, May 14, 2011


The purpose of this site is to inform you of different types of pains. Pains may be chronic and Acute. Pains are the indicators that theinternal organs are disturbed. The different types of pains arefollows.

Shoulder Pain ; Metal

Indicates, the disturbances in the Lung and Large Intestine

Abdominal or Hip Pain

Indicates the disturbances in the Spleen, Stomach and Pancreas.

Knee Pain ; Water

Indicates the disturbances in the Kidney and Urinary Bladdy

Whole body muscle pain ; Wood

Indicates the disturbances in the Liver and Gall Bladder

Elbow Pain : Fire

Indicates the disturbances in the Heart,Small Intestine, Pericardium, Triple Warmer

Pain theory, Pains, Pains in acupuncture, Types of pain, Varities of pain.