Thursday, May 19, 2011


The skin itself us now known to be the highly resistant envelope of the body.Within which these electrical energy transverse the path of least resistance. According to chinese interpretation or concept vital energy per meter each and every living cell and tissue.This includes skin and subcutaneous tissue.Circulation of this surface energy follows a determined path.These various path ways from pattern of lines called Acupuncture meridians or peripheral circulation.The chinese found out that stimulating certain Acupuncture points on the body cured particular organ disorders.They joined such points in a row and called its lung meridians. Vital energy can be manipulated only where at can be reached, i .e.,Acupuncture points on the skin.these Acupuncture points are superficial circulation. Path of circulation of energy among the organ, i.e., from one organ to another is called deep circulation. Deep circulation cannot be acted upon directly.Deep circulation and superficial circulation are linked with numerous internal pathways which and called connecting path ways,or mediate pathways.
Thus there are there type of circulations.
(i) Superfical circulation (Meridians ) or Direct Meridians.
(ii) Deep circulation also known as core circulation (organs connected to each other by fure element theory ) There are called organ meridians.
(iii) Connecting pathways. There connect deep circulation with superficial circulation and is called intermediate circulation.Thus, the entire meridians system in inter connected and hence called meridians complex, through which energy flows continuously in close circulation .
Meridians are in two directions
(i) Centrifugal - Heart to periphery
(ii) centripetal - periphery to Heart
Element Anatomy of Acupuncture consists of the knowledge of meridians,their pathways and the direction and also the perfect location of Acupuncture points. The pathways of all meridians are bilateral and symmetrical,except for two meridians there meridians are Ren and Du which run in the mid line of the front and back of the body. Meridians are called '' jing '' in france and '' channel'' in America. Meridians running vertically from below upwards or above downwards are the main meridians and traditionally termed as jing. There are twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians that link two main meridians together are called two. This in a jing luo system. (Meridians and collaterals ). Meridian in in direct connection with the organ concerned. Each Meridians particularly associated with the special inner organ, function, process or system, take the name of that organ.Meridians which are not bilateral are in the mid line. The names of the meridians have been translated into english in various ways to relate them the chinese concept of the meridians ,function and the organs or the body system to which they have special relationship.Some of there names are misleading or meanings. The organs after which the meridians are named are not involved in the etiology or pathology of the conditions treated by using Acupuncture points on the meridians thus the effective of the points on the gall bladder meridians in bot affected by the removal of the patients gall bladder points on the gall bladder meridians are useful for treating a variety of medical problems which seen unrelated to it.Some body structures such as joint, and muscles, brain, sex organ, most commonly treated by Acupuncture have no special meridian.Muscles and tendons are controlled by the gall bladder meridians while bones are controlled by kidney meridian.Brain in controlled by the heart and pericardium meridians and sex organs by kidney,Ren,Liver and Spleen meridians chinese concept of the meridians,functions and the organ of the body system. Have special relationship with each other meridians do not follow any of the anatomical paths known to the western word as nerves, veins or arteries.But angeina pectoris pain follows the path of the rear meridian up to the little thing.Ever though there in no anatomical link between heart and the little thing this pain path coincidess exactly with the path of the heart meridians of traditional chinese meridians.The reality of the heart meridians cannot be demonstrated by dissection but can be shown in the living persons. The report which exists between meridians and the corresponding organ are very difficult to explain.

Meridian, Acupuncture meridian, Channels, Energy flow,

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