Sunday, May 15, 2011

Qi or Vital Energy Chi

The chinese believe that energy flows through the human body continuously.This is a vital motivating force, which burns like a fuel all through ones like. It is called Qi or Chi vital energy. Indian philosophers who share this idea know it is prana Indian yogis call it as prana wayu. In theosophy or Antheropology, it is called ether or etheric body. As long prana or prana wayu exists in the body the heart beats.The brain works the lung breath and whole organism stay as a living miracle and one has seen prana but the concept is age-old and unchallenged. This principle of prana is quite similar to the traditional chinese concept of Qi is universal and present at all times.If the flow of Qi cases, it is death. If formed continuously and utilized continuously in ones body. If permeates all living cells and tissues in the body and pervades the entire universe. If in an invisible force responsible for all the activities of life. It cannot be seen or measured but can be palpated. As the energy is used continuously in the body,it is also formed continuously by two factors.Intrinsic - From digested and assimilated food products inside the body.Extrinsic - O2 and water taken from the outside.Vital energy. Acupuncture vital energy, Qi or chi , Prana, Prana wayu,

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