Thursday, June 16, 2011

Control of Hyptension

1. Weight Reduction ; Your B.P. will fall by about 1.5 mm of Hg for every kg of weight loss.

2. Reduction of salt intake:(not more than 5-6 gm of salt per day).B.P.patients can use potassium salt salt.To reduce salt intake,limit eating processed,canned foods, pickles, chutneys, papads, salted peanuts, wafers, potato chips etc. as they contain lot of salt.

3. Aerobic Exercises:Walking, running, swimming, cycling,sports etc. can reduce your resting blood pressure by 5-10 mm of Hg. This happens because of two reasons. First by aerobic exercises, arteries are dilated, so heart has to apply less pressure to send the same amount of blood. secondary, aerobic exercises increase HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) and reduce harmful (LDL) cholesterol in blood which leads to reduction in blood pressure applied by the heart.

4. yogasanas and stretching Exercises: They relax muscles and promote free flow of blood leading to lowering to lowering of B.P.However, those exercises in which body is held upside down or the head remains below the level of heart for some time and those exercises which require holding of breath for some time, should be avoided.

5. Reduce Alcohol intake

6.Stop smoking

7.Reduce intake of sugar , coffee, tea, cola drinks

8.Avoid Saturated Fats ; Limit food having saturated fats ( egg, meat, ghee, butter, whole milk, cream, biscuits, cake, ice - creams, pastries, chocolates etc.) as these increase blood cholesterol. For list of foods having saturated and unsaturated foods and cholesterol content of various saturated foods, please refer to tables 1.4 to 1.7

9.Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium ; They have been found to reduce B.P. Hence foods rich in these minerals should be taken. For example, lemon, banana, potato, peas, broccoli, tomato, cauliflower, sprouts and organ are good sources of potassium.

10.High Intake of Fibres (Soluble Fibres) ;Apple, banana, orange, potato, carrot,tomato, cabbage, beans, are good sources of such fibres. soluble fibre binds to dietary cholesterol and gets it excreted out of body and so indirectly helps in reducing B.P.

11. vitamins: vitamins c,vitamin B3(Niacin) and vitamin E are considered good for lowering High B.P.

12. Relaxation Techniques: Any technique which reduces mental stress and promotes physical and mental relaxation (e.g.massage, music, meditation, humour \laughter, savasana, lying or walking in fresh air in a garden etc.) helps in reduction of High B.P.

13. special food items :some special food items like garlic, amla , honey,lemon juice, onion are considered very effective in lowering High B.P.

14.Intake of Water ; Drink lot of water and more so in the morning in empty stomach . This helps to keep the blood thinner and reduces blood clotting tendency.

15. General Change in Outlook towards Life ; If one makes his outlook towards life a positive one,then he won' t be stressed by life ' s incidents so easily and therefore his B.P. will not rise because of mental stress.

Hypertension , control of hypertension , healthy tips , healthy life ,

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