Saturday, June 18, 2011

Treatment for Asthma

a. Treatment at Home

  • Inhale steam. This will dilate the airways and help in loosening the mucous and its coming out.
  • Drink warm water or any other warm liquid such as soup or lime juice.
  • put hot water bag on chest and abdomen.
  • Do rigorous massage on the upper and middle back.
  • Lie on your stomach on the bed with chest and head coming out of the bed and stooping towards the floor with the help of hands resting on floor. Have someone thumbing or hacking your back with his hands for a few minutes. This helps to loosen the mucous and allowing it to come out with the help of gravity. It is important to cough out as much mucous as possible. The above technique of removal of cough is known as chest percussion and postural drainage.
  • Sit in a comfortable position on a chair or stool leaning on a table with your head on a pillow. Now breath in forcibly through one nostril which is more open and force air out through the mouth. Hold breath for a few seconds, then repeat. Make sure that your breathing is abdominal i.e. during inhaling your stomach should come out and during exhalation, it should go in.
b. Medical Treatment
  • Administering oxygen through nose in case the attack has been very severe and has resulted into a deficiency of oxygen in the blood.
  • Expanding the airways and inhibiting the production of secretions by bronchodilator drugs like Deriphylline, Salbuta - mol ( Asthaline), Theophylline, Aminophylline. Side - effects of these drugs are mainly adverse effect on heart in the form of palpitation. Bronchodilators are given either in the form of tablets or injections or spray in a pressurized aerosol for inhalation.
  • Giving intravenous glucose - saline, if the patient seems dehydrated. If Asthma attack is not adequately controlled by bronchodilators, corticosteriod drugs may have to be given. If there is lung infection, suitable antibiotic drugs also need one to be given.
home treatment, medical treatment, Treatment for Asthma, immediate treatment for asthma.

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